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How to Start Best Fish Farming- Free


Fish Farming New Business Plan, Free

About 50% of the world's fish demand is met by fish farming. The hatchery is the name given to many fish pollen that can be released into the pond. 

Many people in our country cultivate fish, but they do not get the expected results in fish farming as they do not have actual knowledge. Every year many fish farmers face loss just because they don't know about fish farming. However, if you can do farming like fish farming properly, you can see the hope of many benefits. 

Fish Farming Investment and Best Profit

Pond selection: The first issue in fish farming is pond selection because how much you will benefit depends on the entire pond selection. If you want to choose a pond, choose a beautiful-looking pond. For example, there will be no stones in the pond, the pond will not be sloping, and there will be no big trees around the pond. 

If there are large trees near the pond, the leaves of the trees fall, and the pond's water is wasted. Moreover, there is always shade which can be bad for the pond.



Choose a pond that has a high water-holding capacity and is rich in nutrients. Moreover, if you want to cultivate carp fish, you have to remove the giant fish in the pond that eats the small fish. Before cultivating fish, the pond should be well watered, and then the soil in the pond should be cleaned if there is more mud. Moreover, it would be better to apply for the medicine than all the poisonous things in the pond will die. 

Pond soil: Soil suitable for fish farming is clay or loamy soil. Choose a pond where the water in the pond does not dry out very quickly. Moreover, if the soil is fertile, the pond is full of natural food. 

Pond water supply: Select a pond where a drainage system is available. It can be seen that when the water decreases during summer, the water can be increased by supplying water if desired. Fish farming in low water is not profitable. In low water, the fish lack oxygen, so the fish then die. If you want to cultivate fish, you have to keep an extra water supply. This is because excess water needs to be added more when the water is much less during the hot and summer. 

Fish cannot stay in low water for long, so water should be provided to keep the fish healthy. Moreover, if there is less water in the pond, the pond's temperature rises in hot weather, due to which many fish die.

Selection of high ponds: Fish farming ponds should be kept a little higher because flood the ponds may go away. It is essential to select high ponds for flood and rain. 

Also, choose a place where there is enough sunlight to increase photosynthesis in the pond and increase the natural food.

Electrical facilities: If you want to cultivate fish in the pond, you should have electric facilities. If there is an electric line for fish farming, it will be convenient to work at night. 

Moreover, if there is an electrical line, theft will be more minor, and you will always keep an eye on it.

Bottom of the pond: Cut and clean all the weeds and jungles on the pond's banks and renovate the pond. Moreover, apply lime at the bottom of the pond to remove toxic substances. Finally, if there are excess algae in the pond, use mulberry and kill them.

Watercolor: For fish farming, the watercolor of the pond is brownish-green or reddish-green. In addition, you can apply dung to bring good color to the water, and you need to do this before releasing the baby fish. 

To purify the pond's water, apply urea and TSP fertilizer together for 7/8 days before releasing the fish fry in the pond.

Different tiny insects are suitable for the pond because they provide oxygen to the pond. However, excessive amounts of insects can cause blooms in the pond, leading to depletion of oxygen in the pond and water. So if there are more insects, remove them so that the water in the pond will be pure.

Moreover, if you pull the net in the pond from time to time and change the pond's water, then the pond's water will be in balance.



Communication system: A fish farm should have a sound communication system for supplementary food or other items. There should be a road to go around the pond because if you feed on one side, the fish will always be in the same place, and there will be a lack of oxygen in that place. 

Moreover, fish food should be kept close to it to be given whenever desired.

How Do Fish Survive in the Soil

In winter, the fish reduce their energy wastage and escape the winter they hide in the soil. However, not all fish go for lack of food. ome fish hide in the ground as they cannot tolerate excessive winter water. 

In winter, large fish species live by eating small fish in the vicinity when there is a food shortage, so some small fish hide for self-defense. 

Fish that are under the ground have different respiratory tracts to breathe. They can even spend 2/3 days without breathing. In our country, catfish can be found under the soil in the pond because this fish can stay in the ground for 10/15 days without food. 

When they are hidden in the soil, they take energy from their body fat. Again when they need to come out later. When some fish are grouped together under the ground, they collect some food and go into hiding.

Most fish have a white wall between the abdomen, and the kidneys called the Gasbag. Inside this sac is a mixture of oxygen, CO2, and N2 gas.  Not all fish have air sacs, just as cartilage fish do not have air sacs. Fish air sacs are also called air sacs, Weberian ossicles, and swimming sacs.

Most fish survive in the water through this sac and balance the relative importance of survival. However, many people wonder how fish, or aquatic animals breathe in water. Of course, we can’t stay in the water base for long without breathing, but how do fish breathe. The deeper the water goes, the higher the water pressure. Therefore, many fish cannot survive in deep water due to high water pressure. 

However, those who have air sacs can quickly go much more profound. This is because they can move at different depths. In this case, the air sac helps a lot.The fish makes some noises in the water through which other fish can easily understand. Underwater they live by generating different sounds. The food available on a pond or river is not available in the country below the river or the sea. 

Fish that live very deep find food through their air sacs using olfactory energy. The fish live by collecting various food through this bag. When the water temperature drops drastically in extreme winters, many fish cannot survive in the cold water, taking refuge in different places.

Some fish move to other places and return when the winter is cold. In our country, just as many guest birds fly away during the winter, some fish move to a warmer place during the winter. We use many things for self-defense, such as arms, legs, body. For example, fish use water bags to defend themselves underwater. The fish uses this pouch to scare its various opponents.
